
Me-Made-May 2016

Wait a minute, didn't the calendar just flip over to April?

I know, I know, but the time to sign up is now!  I came across this mid-May last year when I was still just getting into sewing my own clothing and missed the chance to participate.  I've been looking forward to this since starting my challenge!

If you're not familiar with the idea, just hop on over to Zoe's blog for the explanation.

So!  Here's my goal for the upcoming #MMMay16:

I, Kallie Auld, sign up to participate in Me-Made-May '16.  I pledge to wear at least one me-made article of clothing each day, and document it weekly for the duration of 
May, 2016.

Well!  there you have it!  I'm going to do my best to share a blog post every week with a summary of my outfits for the month of MMMay16, and I'll try to post my daily outfits on Instagram.

As it's only the 3rd of April... I'll have more details the closer we get to May.  In the mean time... I should get on with some sewing!

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